Shipping class: Small Canvas up to 35cm

  • Circus Mirage

    Circus Mirage

    Circus Mirage 15сm In this painting, a vibrant circus tent stands alone in a sun-drenched landscape, its red and white stripes contrasting against the bright blue sky. The tent symbolizes a space of wonder, performance, and illusion. For me, the circus represents a place where identities shift, where roles are played, and reality is suspended,…

  • Hen’s Silent Specter

    Hen’s Silent Specter

    Hen’s Silent Specter 30х30cm This painting portrays a faceless human figure, part of my WhoMan series, perched delicately on a white hen. The contrast between the vivid pink figure and the grayscale world surrounding them emphasizes their otherworldly presence. For me, chickens symbolize a temporary freedom, a momentary escape from the constraints of everyday life.…

  • Sunset walking with WhoMan

    Sunset walking with WhoMan

    Impresionistická a figurativní akrylová malba na plátně. 18×24 cm

  • Synesthesia of your smell(on order) 30×30 cm

    What I need from you Is the name of a favourite perfume or a favourite fragrance that I can find in a store, for example Sephora. It can also be a scent of fruit or flowers. Add a note to your order or contact me after purchase. You will see how the picture will look…

  • The Canine Conundrum

    The Canine Conundrum

    This painting is part of my new circus series, where the WhoMan figure continues to make an appearance. The faceless crowd, like silent spectators, watches as the elegant poodle performs its act, balancing on a colorful ball. The red and white striped background evokes the feeling of being under the big top, while the poodle,…

  • WhoMan Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

    WhoMan Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

    Impresionism and figurative acrylic painting on canvas board